All you can eat Pokemon Cheats
Hi, I'm Liam. Here are some cheats or tricks that I can give you on my page. If you got more codes please e-mail me. Thanks Enjoy!
Master Ball Trick
When you throw a great ball, press Up and B. It will act just like an Master Ball.
Fishing in Statues
You can actually fish in statues in the Gyms. It's strange, but you can find rare water pokemon this way.
Avoiding Trainer Battles
If you are in a big area simply go to farrest end to which way the trainers all. This will not work if you are in small areas.
Unlimited Chances to catch rare Pokemon
Simply before you battle it (the look like statues, but they can fight if no trainer is beside them) save the game at that point, if you defeat it, turn off the game and turn it back on and you should be back with them.
Easier way catching Pokemon
Simply throw a Pokeball and press Right and A.
Harder Hitting Attacks
Simpy press the A button while attacking.
Level 100 Pokemon Cheat (Japanese Version)
When you ran into a battle. Go to the Fight Menu, press select on which teqnique you want. Then cancel, then goto the item menu ang go to the 7th item and press select. And then fight. Your pokemon will be on level 100.
Easier way of catching Abra
Once you start battling with abra, all he uses is teleport. To do this, you must have an Ekans (red) or a Bellsprout (blue). Simple use wrap on him so he won't use teleport and voila, simply use the pokeball on him. If he use teleport before you attack, you need to increase your speed.
99 Items
Here's a trick that will get 99 on the 6th item, first, go to Viridian City and talk to the Guy to catch a weedle, then respond no. When he's done, go to items and put the item you want on the 6th item on top of the list. Then swim in the Seafoam, not in the cave. Swim near coast to seafoam island, but DONT GET OFF. Keep swimming until you find a Guy called 'M. Fight him, (don't worry, he's at level 0) but don't capture him, when you're done defeating him, get off the lake, and look at you're sixth item. You should have 99 of the sixth item.
When you look at you're item it will look like
9. Keep using it, and it will get 99. This is good at using hard item's to find, like Rare Candy, PP UP, Nuggets, or that Masterball you didn't use.
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